Saturday, December 29, 2018

Government Sponsored Youth Beatings

This report highlights the fact that these young prisoners were treated exactly like our movies and TV portray the treatment of prisoners in NAZI and Communist prisons -- and this in a state effectively run by the Democrats and Republicans -- both of whom are portrayed as representing the USA as a freedom loving country which would never act like the NAZI or Communist enemies. Meanwhile, our police and correction officers and populated more and more by white supremacists and neo-Nazis who are actively seeking to infiltrate these state agencies. This type of brutality is portrayed as SOP in countries such as Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, etc., but as the result of rogue individuals acting on their own in the US or our allies. President Trump even condones the bloodthirsty murder and dismembering of a journalist by the Saudi Government on the orders of its de facto leader Prince Salman as the action of rogue elements acting behind his back. In NY both the mayor of NYC and the state's governor are aware of the brutality carried out against young offenders by ordinary as well as some of the highest ranking officers and we shall see if any officials are fired, let alone prosecuted as the criminals they are. Kudos as well for the NYT which everyone in a while exposes the bare bones reality behind the surface of bourgeois democracy (when advertising revenue isn't threatened).

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Young Inmates Say They Were Shipped Upstate, Held in Isolation and BeatenThe abuse was designed for inmates from Rikers Island who had been accused of assaulting correction officers, according to a lawsuit.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Identity Politics vs Class Consciousness

The distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is continually being abused and/or ignored. Also, some of the comments made by the disputants in this article about "all Jews" and all white people should remind us of the perilous terrain we enter when we start talking about "all" of an ethnic, religious, or national group (all Black people, the Chinese are such and such, the Irish, etc.,) this is the soil in which the seeds of racism are sown. The greatest confusion of all is the lack of understanding about class as opposed to ethnicity. Jewish bankers and Jewish factory workers have little in common in their living standards and lifestyles and have more in common with Black Bankers and Black factory workers respectively, and working-class women have more in common with working-class men than either has with upper-class bourgeois capitalist men or women. Identity politics is, in fact, a ruling class invention to tamper down and prevent the development of class consciousness by dividing the oppressed along "racial," gender, ethnic and religious lines as they know full well that once class consciousness is fully developed it marks the beginning of the end of their oppressive rule. Let's not help them in this by playing by their rule book.

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Women’s March Roiled by Accusations of Anti-SemitismAs the second anniversary of the Women’s March approaches, charges of anti-Semitism are overshadowing the movement and plans for more marches.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Alexandra Kollontai Meets Hillary Clinton

Is Hillary Clinton a perfect example of the bourgeois pseudo-feminist described in this quote from Alexandra Kollontai?* It seems the corporate wing of the Democratic Party that she (along with Schumer, Biden, Pelosi and their allies) represents is utterly incapable of truly representing the interests of working-class women (let alone men) [excuse the binary classification]. The working class vote for Trump is mainly due to the underdeveloped understanding of class consciousness amongst working people [which it is the duty of Marxists to try to correct, and not by uncritically supporting right wing and "moderate" Democrats in the name of defeating Republicans]. Unless Marxists can find a way to radicalize the consciousness of the working class, without compromising opportunistic short-term tactics, the capitalist 1% will continue its rule by playing musical chairs with the leadership of the Republican and Democratic parties while Communists and other progressives will continue to play second fiddle to the bourgeoisie.
*"Class instinct – whatever the feminists say – always shows itself to be more powerful than the noble enthusiasms of “above-class” politics. So long as the bourgeois women and their [proletarian] “younger sisters” are equal in their inequality, the former can, with complete sincerity, make great efforts to defend the general interests of women. But once the barrier is down and the bourgeois women have received access to political activity, the recent defenders of the “rights of all women” become enthusiastic defenders of the privileges of their class, content to leave the younger sisters with no rights at all. Thus, when the feminists talk to working women about the need for a common struggle to realise some “general women’s” principle, women of the working class are naturally distrustful.
— Alexandra Kollontai (1909), The Social Basis of the Woman Question,"

Monday, December 17, 2018

Reeducation Camps in Xinjiang

Actually, we don't really know what is going on in Xinjiang and are basically only getting one side of the story -- the anti-Chinese Communist version. The Chinese have openly stated they are building a new kind of civilization different from the capitalist West and one based on Marxism with a heavy dose of traditional Chinese cultural values originating in Confucianism and one in which a collective consciousness is valued over the Western concepts of egotism and individualism and one not based on values due to religious beliefs which are seen as backwards and divisive. This new civilization, which seems progressive and valuable to the Chinese, appears threatening and distasteful to people in the West who have been conditioned to a different set of values, and especially distasteful to many Americans who think the values of our racially unjust, poverty infected and war addicted society reflect some sort of model that others should find attractive. With one of the largest prison populations in the world parts of which are used for slave labor under the guise of "rehabilitation," the negative comments of Americans addressed to the Chinese will likely fall on deaf ears.

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China’s Detention Camps for Muslims Turn to Forced LaborMounting evidence suggests ethnic minorities caught in the mass internment drive in Xinjiang are being assigned to new factories making clothes.